AAC Academy
Shadowing Program
Become a confident, well-educated provider of aesthetic procedures
Curious about being a nurse injector?
Let’s get acquainted! Experience a day in the life of a nurse injector in a thriving aesthetics practice.
On your shadow day
Our primary goal is to convey the responsibilities of an aesthetic injector as you experience the unique standards we have created at AAC.
You will observe new client assessments, create a personalized anti-aging treatment plan, learn aesthetic photography skills and execute a diverse amount of real-time treatments and procedures.
We will have two private one-on-one meetings and a one-hour lunch meeting to review any questions and dive deeper into the exciting world of aesthetic injecting!
Full Day Agenda
Morning Session
During our morning session, we will have 4 hours for you to observe the flow of a patient from check-in to discharge. Our practice strives to ensure our patients’ experience is unique to the standards we have created at AAC. The personal and unique approach to personalized patient care sets us apart.
You will observe new client assessments, creation of personalized anti-aging treatment plans, learn aesthetic photography skills, and execute a diverse amount of real-time treatments and procedures.
These treatments may include neuromodulator injections, dermal fillers, vaginal rejuvenation, and permanent fat removal injections. Patient education is key when discussing pre and post-treatment with your patients. You will learn in-depth detail about each of the treatments we provide during your shadowing opportunity.
Lunch & Private Meeting
We will have a one-hour private meeting to go over any questions you have from our morning session. Our aesthetic provider will dive deeper into the world of aesthetics with you. This is your time to discuss what pros and cons there are to consider becoming an aesthetic provider.
What are the brands of injectables we prefer? Which company has the best rewards back to your patient’s programs? Why does our practice strive for the highest safety protocols? These are just some of the thought provoking questions we will go over.
We will also provide you with resources to further your education from top providers in the aesthetic industry. There are so many influencers on different platforms who inject, we will break down which providers have the safest practice and most worth your while to follow.
Afternoon Session
During our afternoon session we will have 3 more hours to continue the observation of patient flow. This time will expand on the morning session, so more questions may arise as you experience new treatments and procedures.
After the private provided lunch session, this time observing may put the pieces of aesthetic injecting together for you. As you continue to learn in depth detail about each of the treatments, the question of “is this subset of my profession what I want to pursue?” may be answered.
Closing Private Meeting
We will have one final 30-minute private session at the end of our day. What are the areas that excite you about this profession? Where are the areas that you are still unsure?
What are your next steps? Want hands on experience? Join us at AAC Academy’s Novice Neurotoxin Course! In this training you will learn how to establish a rapport with your patient, perform a comprehensive assessment of aesthetic needs, become familiar with each type of neuromodulator on the market, one on one time with pharmaceutical aesthetic reps, consider the safest practice standards and finally…inject your patient! This is the course you will want to attend for hands on experience. You will receive a discount on this course from your shadow day attendance.
What a pleasure it was meeting you! We hope that you have a deeper understanding of what it really looks like to be an aesthetic provider.
FULL DAY- 8:30am-5:30pm $850
HALF DAY- 8:30am-2:00pm $550
Ryan - AAC Academy Student